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100 Motive - 100 Motives

Edfu, Horus Tempel - 100 Motive Simit Verkäufer  - 100 Motive Kamel an der Strasse Salwa - Al-Hufuf, Saudi-Arabien - 100 Motive Qur'an Bifolium - 100 Motive Junges Kamel in Shahaniya, Katar - 100 Motive Kaschgar, Abakh Hoja Mausoleum - 100 Motive Istanbul, Dolmabahce Cami - 100 Motive Jerusalem - 100 Motive Potsdam, Friedenskirche - 100 Motive Kairo, Ahmad Ibn Tulun Moschee - 100 Motive The Doha Hind - 100 Motive Mathaf - Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha - 100 Motive Mukalla, Schulklasse für Jungen, 1950er Jahre - 100 Motive Takht-i Sulaiman - 100 Motive Männergruppe in Schibam, Hadramaut - 100 Motive Shiraz, Nagarestan Palast, Relief mit Loewendarstelllung - 100 Motive Sana'a/ Sanaa, Hospital - 100 Motive Bronzelöwe - 100 Motive Konya, Ince Minare Medrese - 100 Motive Kaschgar, Abakh Hoja Moschee - 100 Motive Genete Mariam Kirche, Priester - 100 Motive Doha, The Pearl - 100 Motive Rekonstruktion der Schädel von Dmanisi, Georgien - 100 Motive Salif, Tihama, Jemen - 100 Motive Shisr - Ubar  - 100 Motive Greif aus Pisa  - 100 Motive Magnetometer-Messungen - 100 Motive Moschee in Wuensdorf, Brandenburg, suedlich von Berlin - 100 Motive Kelim, Grosser Bazar / Capali Carsi in Istanbul - 100 Motive Mukalla, Fischmarkt - 100 Motive Riad Zina, Marrakesch - 100 Motive Zayed Heritage Center - 100 Motive Jebel Al Uqla - 100 Motive Kaschgar - 100 Motive Ankara, Alaeddin Cami,  Minbar - 100 Motive Alter Mann in der Nordost-Türkei (Tao Klarjeti) - 100 Motive Jebel Al Baba - 100 Motive Kamele in Shahaniya, Katar  - 100 Motive Istanbul, Dolmabahce Cami - 100 Motive Konya, Karatay Medrese, Portal - 100 Motive Sheikh Zayed b. Sultan Al Nahyan (1918-2004)  - 100 Motive Kairo, Al-Azhar Moschee - 100 Motive Qur'an Bifolium - 100 Motive See-Pyramide  - 100 Motive Brunnenhaus in Anatolien, Türkei - 100 Motive Istanbul, Fethiye Cami / Moschee (ehem. Hg. Pammakaristos) - 100 Motive Alter Uighure auf dem Bazar in Hotan - 100 Motive Marrakesch, Tuerklopfer - 100 Motive Kashan, Masjid - Madrasa Aqa Buzurq, Tuerklopfer - 100 Motive Beysehir, Esrefoglu Cami / Moschee - 100 Motive Istanbul, Beyoglu, Istiklal Cad. - 100 Motive Beysehir, Esrefoglu Cami - 100 Motive Felsendom - 100 Motive Salif, grosser Haifisch, dicht an der Mole gefangen, 9.11.55 (von Prosch); huge shark, caught next to the pier - 100 Motive Türke im europäischen Anzug - 100 Motive Mehmet II. Fatih (1432-1481 CE, reg. 1444-1446, 1451-1481 CE) - 100 Motive Marrakesch, Kutubiya - 100 Motive Atatuerk Fahne - 100 Motive Konya, Ince Minare Medrese, Portal - 100 Motive "Maria lactans" - 100 Motive Gazelle in Abu Dhabi - 100 Motive Merw, Kamele - 100 Motive Potsdam, Dampfmaschinenhaus (Moschee) - 100 Motive Kuppelausmalung einer osmaischen Moschee in der Westtürkei, 19. Jh. - 100 Motive Katharina Otto-Dorn (1908-1999) - 100 Motive Shah Moschee, im Vordergrund links Polotor - 100 Motive Buchara, Cheshme Aiyub  - 100 Motive Aethiopischer Priester - 100 Motive Potsdam, Friedenskirche - 100 Motive Zwei Kamele, Katar - 100 Motive Doha, Museum of Islamic Art - 100 Motive Monreale, Kathedrale Santa Maria Nuova - 100 Motive Persepolis, Apadana, Treppe - 100 Motive Palästinensisches Poster in Ramallah - 100 Motive Hospital-Eröffnungsfeier am 1. April 1955 mit Nabib i.d. Mitte, rechts neben ihm sitzt vermutlich der britische Berater, Colonel ... - 100 Motive Isfahan, Hesht Behesht, Kuppel - 100 Motive Fliesenfragment mit Harpye / Sirene - 100 Motive Doha, The Pearl - 100 Motive Takht-e Soleyman, 1958 - 100 Motive Potsdam, Dampfmaschinenhaus (Moschee), Ausschnitt - 100 Motive Abarkuh, Yazd Provinz, Grabturm, Gonbad-e Ali - 100 Motive Fez, Brotverkaeufer - 100 Motive Sammeltaxi im Jemen - 100 Motive Melike Hatun Cami, Ankara - 100 Motive Isfahan, Meidan-e Shah/ Imam mit Shaikh Lutfullah Moschee - 100 Motive Männliches Mumienportrait, Spätantike, 3. Jahrhundert uZ, Fayum, Ägypten - 100 Motive Marrakesch - 100 Motive Mathaf - Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha - 100 Motive Tabriz, Museum, Silberschale mit Doppeladler - 100 Motive Kreuz - 100 Motive Yerevan, Skulptur des kolumbianischen Künstlers Fernando Botero (1932 - 2023)  - 100 Motive Schibam, Schuljungenparade anläßlich der Hospitaleröffnung 1955
 - 100 Motive Marrakesch, gewebter 'Teppich', Kelim - 100 Motive Sternfliese, reich gekleideter Mann - 100 Motive Sternfliese, naschender Bär - 100 Motive Najaf, Moschee, Portal - 100 Motive Zigarettenwerbung aus den 1950er Jahren - 100 Motive Manama , Gold Souk / Suq - 100 Motive Grabeskirche, Jerusalem - 100 Motive Kaiser Wilhelm II. und Mehmed V.  - 100 Motive


Sheikh Zayed greeted at Heathrow Airport, June 1969 (Original print on Baryt paper)


On occasion of the 52nd National Day on 2 December 2023 an unusual, eye catching picture of the founding father of the nation, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1918–2004) arriving at Heathrow Airport, is presented.

Sheikh Zayed's first official visit to the United Kingdom in June 1969 lasted four days, but was prolonged for two weeks privately.

He came to London for political talks at a time when the British Empire, the ‘protective power’ for the last 150 years had decided the year before to withdraw their troops from the Trucial States / Coast, also called Trucial Oman until the end of 1971. This affected all seven Arabian Sheikhdoms: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Qawain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujeirah.


As impressive as the picture, is the text on the back of the photo, describing the noble man to the point:

“In the hour it took him to get from London s Heathrow Airport to the Dorchester Hotel yesterday, the Sheikh of Abu-Dhabi's personal fortune went up by another £10,000.

Not that anybody bothered to point this out to the man now in Britain on a four day official visit.

Its the sane every hour of every day of the year adding up to an annual income of £80 million for the 51-year-old ruler of the state on the Persian Gulf.

The source of it, of course, is the oil. But there is a difference between Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nihan [sic!] and some of the other oil rich rulers of the area.

He prides himself on spending every penny of his income - and just about all of it on his people.

His philosophy is simple: The money belongs to my people. I organise the wealth, they enjoy it.

And enjoy it they do. The state's population of around 40,000 has the highest income per head of any country in the world.”

Photo shows Heathrow airport, the Sheikh receives a subject’s greeting...a kiss on the nоsе.”