The archive includes images from northern and southern Yemen from the 1940s and 1950s. Eva Hoeck first worked in Taiz as a doctor for the harem and the crown prince's family (1948-1950) before she left for Shibam in Hadramawt at the end of 1950, where she ran an infirmary for several years and initiated the construction of a first hospital.
Her time in Taiz and Shibam is described in two articles by J. Gierlichs, "Als junge Ärztin im verschlossenen Jemen I: Dr. Eva Hoeck in Tai'z (1948-1950)", in: Jemen Report, Jg. 51, 2020, S. 70-75 to the text and "Als junge Ärztin im verschlossenen Jemen II: Dr. Eva Hoeck in Shibam, Hadhramaut (1950–1957)", in: Jemen Report, Jg. 52, 2021, S. 76-91 to the text
The archive is under preparation!