Pictures and impressions of a trip overland with the Nissan XTerra 4.0 S from Doha/ Qatar to Berlin in October and November 2016: a total of 6333 km were covered on the road in about 4 weeks, plus the crossing on a large cargo vessel from Haifa, Israel to Monfalcone in northern Italy.
Before the trip, the question of the route had to be clarified and various documents had to be obtained. There are two major routes to choose from, the eastern one via Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey to Europe or the western one via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and from there by ship to Italy.
The selected itinerary ran from Qatar via Saudi Arabia, Jordan to Israel/Palestine (stay 15 days), and then from Haifa with a fast 200 m long cargo vessel (ferries no longer operate) across the Mediterranean to Monfalcone in northern Italy, a major container port. The rest of the route leads over the Plöckenpass (overnight stay in Lienz) past Salzburg and Munich on the A9 to Berlin.
All pictures were taken with the iPhone 6 Plus, they represent a kind of visual travel diary and start with the preparation of the vehicle, specifically with the search and assembly of the roof box.
The second part of the tour covered Jordan, although unfortunately it was not possible to visit the country and its interesting cultural sites (esp. Petra) as planned, but only the direct passage from Aqaba to the Jordanian-Israeli border in the north (King Hussein Boder Crossing) was allowed.
Some images were posted on Instagram